Sunday, January 6, 2013

Green Smoothie Challenge

Good morning y'all! Today's post is inspired by a challenge my friend Sara came up with. She challenged herself and others to drink a green smoothie as one meal a day, for the first month of the new year. So far I have done pretty good. I started on Jan. 2nd because I was out of town on the 1st. I'm going to try my hardest to document each new smoothie recipe, as well as share others that I come across.

So today, I introduce to you what I call Christmas in a cup. Not for the taste, but for the ingredients. Let me start by saying I woke up this morning pumped for a banana peanut butter smoothie. I mean PUMPED. My mouth was already watering just thinking about it as I laid in bed. I came to the oh so sad conclusion that my husband had eaten the last banana when I walked into the kitchen, so it was time for plan B. I need to go to the grocery store something fierce, so alas, all I had was strawberries.

Today's concoction has the following ingredients:

12 small-medium strawberries
4 cups of spinach (yes, 4!)
1.5 cups of almond milk
2 tbs of yogurt
2 tbs of ground flax seed
1 tbs of splenda

I know, I know, it looks gross. Most green smoothies do. If I learned anything in elementary school, it's that red and green make brown. So unless you make a banana yogurt spinach smoothie or something with no color, the chances of it having a brown hue are very likely. Let's just pretend there's chocolate in there :)

This made a 12 oz. smoothie. It has 341 calories, 16 grams of protein, my entire daily value in vitamins A and C, 92% of my daily calcium, and it tastes YUMMY! This is going to keep me feeling full well into the middle of the day. 

Do you make green smoothies? Care to join in on our challenge? I hope you will, its so easy and healthy! To see Sara's blog, along with her green smoothies, check out You and Me Are We. Happy blending :)

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